牧野 真耶

- W o r k s & E x h i b i t i o n s -


Exhibition - Galerie Kawakami 10e anniversaire -

My works will be show in an exhibition at Gallery Kawakami. This exhibition is to celebrate the gallery's 10th anniversary, and will feature works by 24 artists.

Gallery Kawakami, which I always very kind and helpful every year since the I finished graduate school, is one of the most important places for me. I believe that it is very important for an artist to have the opportunity to show our works on a continuous basis in order to advance our creative activities. I think it is a blessing to be able to do creative research on a daily basis and to be able to present the results of that research.
In particular, in recent years, the world has been facing a situation where it is necessary to search for ways to make things possible in new lifestyles, and while there are many inconveniences for both artists and viewers, I am reminded every day of the great power of the people involved in supporting us.

We are still in a situation that requires caution, but we hope that you will stop by our venue as much as you can. I really appreciate your great support.

Please wear a mask at the venue. And note that you may be required to wait for admission to the venue when it is crowded.
We would like to thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
*I'm afraid, but due to the venue, I will decline the flowers.





2020年12月5日(土) ー19日(土)
13:00 ー 19:00 (最終日 18:00迄)